Monday, August 10, 2009

my very own inferno!!!

- my life stopped...............
- i have no life...................
- my life sucks........................
- i'm surrounded by assholes and crazies......................
- i'm lost, for the first time in my life, i can't decide what to do.....
- should i stay or should i go..........................
- i'm over indulging in illegal substances.....
- i can't control myself.................
- even my dick is miserable, i haven't had sex since i left the motherland, mid 2005.......................
- i'm addicted to porn and the internet.....................
- i am exploited.......................
- i have no rights..................damn i don't have benefits, no insurance, no nothing!!! if i get sick i'm fucked bigtime...................
- my weight is killing me, i can't control it, it's funckin' controllin me.......
- if i don't control my drinking, i'll be an alcoholic before i go back to the motherland....
- i used to believe that things happen for a reason, but the consequences are not what i expected.
- i started so many books but haven't finished a single one.....
- i'm a fuckin junk collector.....
- i'm so indecisive i can't even decide what to take when i want to get high............

*****Quote of the day from WEEDS........"she thinks you're selling pot you idiot!!!!"

- i'm so helpless.............
- i'm trapped with no options...............
- my world has shrunk, i'm a few steps away from everything...........
- i'm tired of being positive when i'm surrounded by negative influences and attitudes...................
- i work with a paranoid worry wart, a manipulative insecure know all evil shithead who acts like a boss, another tripper who also acts and behaves like a boss, etc... etc............
- i work long fuckin hours every fuckin day(average of 12 hours, but if you count the 10pm diaper change that would average 14 hours daily!!!), and they think i'm lazy and "DON'T PITCH IN ENOUGH..".........Damn!!! They only work 6 hours a day and they get paid a lot more and yet they complain (FUCKIN FORGIVE THEM ASSHOLES FOR THEY KNOW NOT WAHT THEY SAY AND THINK, THOSE MORONS!!!)...

***but giving up is not an option.....

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